no3.19.0911*New functionality*
• Added option on Configuration for requiring confirming privacy-information in cart. Applies only to responsive GUI.
• New property on user to specify that it should go directly to a certain page when logging in. Useful for automatic logins and where the system uses unnecessary time to determine available categories and has multiple redirects. Applies only to responsive GUI.
• New property on skin for specifying if the browser should redirect to another page. Useful for automatic logins. This will be checked and processed before other operations. Redirecting to same page/skin will cause the applicationPool to crash. Applies only to responsive GUI
• For Chrome-browsers the major and biggest Css-files are using the preload-flag for increased performance. Applies only to responsive GUI.
• Stock-control-emails now also is available in responsive version (filenames is the same, but prefixed with r_)
• Stock-control-emails now also can have template-files in the global filelibrary
• Navigate-buttons (previous and next) for the thumbnail introduced. Applies to responsive GUI.
• Email for invoice can now be set as mandatory in cart. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Logofile can now uploaded/placed in the company file-library. Will be used if logofile isn’t present in the skin. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Variables of type dropdownlist and datasource based on list can now have presented and used values that can be different. Text and Values should be separated by the |-character. Applies only to responsive GUI. Example:
tittel4 sdf|444444444
Result in Impleo Web:
• The stock-control-emails now loads its information from the default configuration and the default language and not the triggering user.
• When uploading new files to the MediaArchive the metainformation collected now includes “Object name” from Iptc-information as name of asset. Applies only to responsive GUI
• When uploading new files to the MediaArchive the metainformation collected now includes “Copyright notice” from Iptc-information as copyright-owner of asset. Applies only to responsive GUI
• When uploading new files to the MediaArchive the metainformation for keywords, assetname and copyright is converted so that western European-characters is displayed correctly. Applies only to responsive GUI
• Css has changed for the class panel-preview-large , this now has clear:both to make the preview-buttons not interfere with the newly introduced navigate-buttons for the thumbnail
• Resources was loaded unnecessary for postbacks which has been removed. Applies only to responsive GUI
• DeliveryOptions can now be stored in the global filelibrary. To achieve this you need to create a set of deliveryoptions for one company and use the DeliveryOptions.xml-file that is stored in that companys filelibrary and upload this file to the global filelibrary.
• Webshipper-integration now also includes delivery-email, so that webshipper can send logistics-/trackingmessages directly from Webshipper.
• Webshipper-integration will use contact-email for order if delivery-email is empty.
• The date-variable for a templatebased product is now based on JQuery and is triggered a different way than before. It is now possible to deactivate the trigger for live preview on this fieldtype and the calendar-popup also loads when clicking on the calendar-icon. Applies only to responsive GUI
• In administration GUI the icons for tabs has been replaced by font-representations (font-awesome).
• The preload-flag for Css-files has been disabled for all other browsers than Chrome as it turns out it is only partially supported for other browsers.
• The logo was not re-initialized when the search-for-product-menu was initiated and then cancelled. Applies only to responsive GUI
• The logo was not re-initalized when uploading files for a custom product. This is now fixed and partial updates has been introduced. Applies only to responsive GUI
• When adding a new global productionsinterval in the administration GUI the grid was not updated unless manually refreshed. This is now fixed.