no3.19.0613*New Functionality*
* Production-mails now includes variables for Media- and Finishing-information defined on the product. Fields: $mediadescription$ $finishingdescription$
* Multiple SingleSignOn-environments is now supported. PartnerIdentity is available as a variable on configuration.
* Javascript-variables for the logged in user is globally made available. Fieldnames is : impleoFullN, impleoFirstN, impleoLastN, impleoEMail, impleoMobile and impleoPhone. More variables will be made available later. These variables can be found listed in the header of the page. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Back to categories-link added to “My profile”-page. Applies to responsive GUI
* Added date (datepicker) as new type of variable field. Applies to responsive GUI
* Added getting parts of date as new formatting options for fields.
* Variable images are now shown differently when customizing a templatebased product. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Added link/option to open modal window to select image on a templatebased product. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Added functionality to accept doubleclick on a image in modal-window to select image. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Added direct image-functionality to open up cropping/greyscale etc for images on a templatebased product. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Added option for saving templatedata for fixed combined products when still in step 1. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Added export/import of variables for templatebased products (in administration).
* Added option to add rights to a group on category.
* Added option in Media Archive to include sub-categories when adding rights to a category. Applies to responsive GUI.
* DIBS Easy added as payment module. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Changes
* When quantities is presented in a dropdownlist in customize-step and only one item available, the dropdownlist is now set as disabled so that it is not selectable. Applies to responsive GUI
* Added ability to sort on orderdate for company- and department orderhistory under “My profile”
* More buttons changed to non-image-buttons in Administration GUI
* When configuration is set to use responsive GUI then it is not possible any longer to use old urls to use ordinary GUI. Will be auto-redirected to responsive GUI.
* When using an external file for footer it was not being reloaded on postbacks. Applies to responsive GUI.
* When sorting company- and department orderhistory as a company-administrator in “My profile” the data disappears. Fixed this along with filtering. Applies to responsive GUI
* When having text containing carriage returns for the modal-popup when adding a product to the cart, the modal was not shown. Fixed. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Hidden fields that were populated with data was not used correctly when using merge. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Integration for Proceedo has been changed so that amounts with decimals were correctly noted with . instead ,
* When user was defined as limited to order one single product it was still possible to order (more) products that could be customized. This has been fixed so that it behaves the same for customized products. Applies to responsive GUI.
* When adding products directly to the cart from the search-menu and it was done from the checkout-page the page is now refreshed to reflect the changes to the cart directly. Applies to responsive GUI.
* Payments through DIBS that had decimals in the amount was rounded to the closest whole number. This is now fixed, so that it supports up to 2 decimals (then rounded).