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Getting Started
Release Notes
- 3.16.0502
- 3.17.0526
- 3.17.0726
- 3.17.1108
- 3.17.1120
- 3.18.0105
- 3.18.0117
- 3.18.0118
- 3.18.0131
- 3.18.0207
- 3.18.0228
- 3.18.0319
- 3.18.0320
- 3.18.0321
- 3.18.0323
- 3.18.0406
- 3.18.0413
- 3.18.0420
- 3.18.0503
- 3.18.0507
- 3.18.0509
- 3.18.0528
- 3.18.0608
- 3.18.0613
- 3.18.0702
- 3.18.0724
- 3.18.0822
- 3.18.0831
- 3.18.0903
- 3.18.0912
- 3.18.0928
- 3.18.1023
- 3.18.1107
- 3.19.0118
- 3.19.0313
- 3.19.0315
- 3.19.0320
- 3.19.0328
- 3.19.0522
- 3.19.0613
- 3.19.0621
- 3.19.0805
- 3.19.0911
- 3.19.0916
- 3.19.1003
- 3.19.1004
- 3.19.1016
- 3.19.1018
- 3.19.1022
- 3.19.1023
- 3.19.1102
- 3.19.1105
- 3.19.1108
- 3.19.1114
- 3.20.0103
- 3.20.0128
- 3.20.0129
- 3.20.0131
- 3.20.0206
- 3.20.0207
- 3.20.0212
- 3.20.0304
- 3.20.0318
- 3.20.0325
- 3.20.0422
- 3.20.0519
- 3.20.0610
- 3.20.0617
- 3.20.0909
- 3.20.0929
- 3.20.1012
- 3.20.1015
- 3.20.1119
- 3.20.1207
- 3.20.1208
- 3.21.0122
- 3.21.0408
- Undocumented release notes okt 20 - des 20
- 3.15.1111
- 3.16.0201
- 3.16.0205
- 3.16.0224
- 3.16.0322
- 3.17.0802
- Release Notes
- 3.20.0213
- 3.20.0214
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no3.18.0406*New Functionality*
• Order-reports for company- and departmentadministrator under “My profile” now includes the ordercreator’s full name + username.
• New CssClass for Identificator-information in cart for orderliness. CssClass is ‘cartident’
• New ProductionClient – renewed certificate for signed executable
• Production Client can now resend orderconfirmation for an order (required admin- or globalreporter-rights)
• For EDIpost-integration the address-fields are now validated and shortened if longer than the EDIPost-approved lengths
• CategoryAdministrator could see and move products to categories that the user was not a categoryadministrator for. Fixed
• For price-calculations that was calculated in external systems based on the external customernumber and where the department was set as a company the external customernumber was fixed to the company-level. Fixed
• Minor update to Word-conversion-filters
• When using a dynamic templatefield for setting External ItemNo ($extitemno$) combined with merged pricing it did not use the correct dynamic External ItemNo. This is now corrected in both normal and responsive GUI
• If a user was defined as media-archive administrator but had no access to any categories the medie-archive link was not visible. This is fixed
• Css-fix for category-menu is removed because multilevel-categories did not display correctly
• If doing multiple save-attempts on Company the ContactPerson might be reset. This is fixed
• Total price in responsive orderconfirmation was not shown directly as an “orderline”, but only if using the $totalprice$ in r_orderconf.html. Now changed this so it is included in the email as default + it display also differentiates prices incl VAT (if selected)
• Floating variables of single textlines with autoshrink fontsize or autokerning is now supported